Research focusing on the study of pre-teacher education in literacy:

  • Critical pedagogies, arts, and embodied practices for pre-service teachers
  • Formative experiments; inquiry stance; participatory action research
  • Multiliteracies, discourses, social practices, and social contexts for pre-service teacher
  •  Pre-service teacher cognition, beliefs, reflective practices, and effectiveness
  • Pre-service teacher development, change, and agency
  • Pre-service teacher education theory and practice
  • Pre-service teacher identities (e.g., gender, sexuality, class, race, linguistic)
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address pre-service teacher development
  • The use of technology for pre-service teacher education

Area 1 Co-chairs:

Sam Von Gillern, University of Missouri, 

Ann Van Wig, Eastern Washington University,

Adeline Borti, Grand Valley State University,

Research focusing on the study of in-service teacher education and professional development in literacy:

  • Critical pedagogies, arts, and embodied practices for in-service teachers
  • Formative experiments; inquiry stance; participatory action research for in-service teachers
  • In-service teacher cognition, beliefs, reflective practices, and effectiveness
  • In-service teacher development, change, and agency
  • In-service teacher identities (e.g. gender, sexuality, class, race, linguistic)
  • Multiliteracies,discourses, social practices, and social contexts for in-service teachers
  • Professional development theory and practice
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address in-service teacher education/professional development in literacy
  • The use of technology for in-service teacher education/professional development

Area 2 Co-chairs:

Chelsey Bahlmann Bollinger, James Madison University,

Chad Waldron, Central Michigan University,

Jill Castek, The University of Arizona,

Ann Castle, Michigan State University, Castlean@msu.edujcastek

Research focusing on the nature and effects of literacy instruction and learning, PK-adult:

  • Classroom assessment; alternative assessments; assessment methods
  • Critical pedagogies, arts, and embodied practices in literacy learning/teaching
  • Engagement, critically engaged reading; instruction of students with reading/learning disabilities
  • Formative Experiments; Inquiry Stance; Participatory Action Research
  • Identities (e.g. gender, sexuality, class, race, linguistic) and agency in literacy learning/teaching
  • International perspectives on literacy instruction and literacy learning
  • Instructional practices and teacher effectiveness; program and instructional material effectiveness
  • Interdisciplinary assessments and practices (e.g. arts-based assessments in literacy education)
  • Large scale assessment diagnosis/individual assessment
  • Literacy researchers and their publics; conducting literacy research in varying contexts
  • Multiliteracies (New Literacies Studies), discourses and social practices
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address literacy assessment, learning, and teaching.
  • Technology and literacy assessment, learning and instruction

Area 3 Co-chairs:

Courtney Hattan, Illinois St. University,

Jackie Eunjang Relyea, North Carolina St. University,

Shireen Al-Adeimi, Michigan State University,

Wonki Lee, Purdue University,


Research focusing on public engagement, evaluation, and public policy:

  • Community and school relationships
  • Critical and historical policy analysis
  • Equity concerns related to assessment evaluation of policy
  • Formation and implications of federal, state and local policies
  • International comparisons and perspectives on literacy policies, assessments and evaluation
  • Policy impact on literacy assessment, learning, and teaching
  • Policies and political discourses
  • Public engagement and evaluation of literacy policies
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address public engagement, evaluation, 
  • and policy in literacy
  • Research impacting public literacy policies
  • Role of politics in standards-based curricula
  • School effectiveness and compensatory programs

Area 4 Co-chairs:

Margaret Opatz, University of Utah,  

Mikel Cole, University of Houston,

Minda Lopez, Texas State University,

Research focusing on the nature and use of literacy processes in learners of literacy, PK-elementary:

  • Arts and embodied practices
  • Child development
  • Comprehension, metacognition
  • Content-area reading and writing, disciplinary literacies
  • Critical literacy pedagogy
  • Emergent literacy, concepts about print, phonemic awareness, word recognition, phonics instruction
  • Engagement and critically engaged reading; motivation
  • Family and Community literacies
  • Literacy and language development; metalinguistic awareness
  • Multiliteracies (New Literacies Studies)
  • Preschool/Early schooling
  • Spelling; vocabulary; writing
  • Technology and early literacy processes
  • Transnational perspectives

Area 5 Co-chairs:

Jill Freiberg Grifenhagen, NC State University,

Zoi Philippakos, University of Tennessee,

Dana Robertson, Virgina Tech,

Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina,

Lindsey Moses, Arizona State University,

Research focusing on the nature and use of literacy processes among adolescent, college, and adult learners or users of literacy:

  • Adolescent development
  • Arts and embodied practices
  • Critical analysis and interpretation; critical literacy pedagogy
  • Comprehension, writing, spelling, vocabulary
  • Content-area reading and writing; Disciplinary literacies
  • Digital Literacies; technology and literacy
  • Engagement and critically engaged reading
  • Equity and literacy
  • Learning processes and strategies
  • Literacy learning and popular culture; popular education
  • Metalinguistic awareness, metacognition, Motivation
  • Interdisciplinary literacies; multiliteracies (New Literacies Studies)
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address adolescent, adult, and college literacies
  • Transnational perspectives

Area 6 Co-chairs:

Ziva Hassenfield, Brandeis University,

Corrine Wickens, Northern Illinois University,

Tierney Hinman, Auburn University,

Research focusing on the critical, cultural, political, and social issues of literacy:

  • Arts and embodied practices
  • Child development
  • Comprehension, metacognition
  • Content-area reading and writing, disciplinary literacies
  • Critical literacy pedagogy
  • Emergent literacy, concepts about print, phonemic awareness, word recognition, phonics instruction
  • Engagement and critically engaged reading; motivation
  • Family and Community literacies
  • Literacy and language development; metalinguistic awareness
  • Multiliteracies (New Literacies Studies)
  • Preschool/Early schooling
  • Spelling; vocabulary; writing
  • Technology and early literacy processes
  • Transnational perspectives

Area 7 Co-chairs:

Kelly Johnston, Baylor University,

Erika Johnson, University of Iowa,

Matthew Deroo, University of Miami,

Mary Beth Hines, Indiana University,

Research focusing on literacy learning and practices in multicultural, multilingual, intercultural and plurilingual settings:

  • Arts and embodied practices
  • Bilingualism and bi-literacy
  • Critical literacy pedagogy
  • Dialect variation
  • Discourses and social practices
  • Diversity and equity
  • Emergent bilingual/biliteracy
  • Engagement and critical engagement
  • ESL policies and practices
  • Multicultural theory and practice
  • Political issues in multilingual, second language, and bilingual education
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address literacy learning and practice in multicultural, multilingual, intercultural and plurilingual settings
  • Second language learning
  • Sheltered English instruction
  • Technology in multilingual and multicultural settings
  • Translanguaging, linguistic ethnography, language variations
  • Transnational perspectives

Area 8 Co-chairs:

Renata Love Jones, Georgia State University,

Chaehyun Lee, Southeastern Oklahoma State University,

Margarita Gomez, Loyola University Maryland,

Selena Protacio, Western Michigan University,

Kwangok Song, The University of Kansas,

Research focusing on literature, readers’ interpretations, and textual analysis:

  • Arts and embodied practices
  • Critical literacy pedagogy
  • Discourses and social practices of literary reading
  • Engagement and critical engagement
  • Graphic Novels and Comic Books
  • Historical analyses
  • Literary reading and writing
  • Literary theory
  • Literature across the curriculum
  • Literature and authors
  • Literature and content analyses
  • Literature in schools, libraries, and communities
  • Multicultural literature
  • Reader response theory
  • Identity and literary reading
  • Technology, literature, and textual studies
  • Transnational perspectives

Area 9 Co-chairs:

Ryan Schey, University of Georgia,

Roberta Gardner, Kennesaw State University,

Mark Lewis, James Madison University,

Todd Reynolds, University of Wyoming,

Research focusing on the use of technology and media in literacy settings:

  • Adaptive and assistive technologies
  • Alternative media
  • Computer-mediated communication
  • Critical media literacy
  • Digital learning; intermediality
  • Literacy and technology
  • Media literacy; multiliteracies
  • New literacies of the Internet and other Informational Communication
  • Quantitative and qualitative research studies that address literacy media and technology
  • Reading comprehension and digital technology
  • Students’ uses of electronic technologies in and out of school
  • Technologies (ICT)
  • Technology communities

Area 10 Co-chairs:

Scott Storm, Bowdoin College, 

Emily Howell, Clemson University, South Carolina,

Darian Thrailkill, East Carolina University,

Shea Kerkoff, University of Missouri-St. Louis,

Presentations focusing on the literacy research enterprise:

  • Analyses of tensions, dilemmas, issues related to conducting literacy research
  • Considerations for linking past research with current and future research
  • Historical, epistemological, and paradigmatic issues related to literacy research
  • Issues related to the quality of evidence; making and justifying educational claims
  • Issues related to standards of review
  • Issues related to identifying and framing workable problems
  • Literacy researchers and their publics; conducting literacy research in varying contexts
  • Relationship among questions, methods, analysis, and interpretation
  • Relationships between research and policy; relationships between research and practice
  • Strategies for presenting research to various audiences
  • The politics of research; researcher identity; the research community

Area 11 Co-chairs:

Emily Rodgers, The Ohio State University,

Bradley Robinson, Texas State University,

Research focusing on global perspectives related to literacy learning, literacy instruction, and teacher education in international contexts. 

  • Conducting international research: procedures, ethics, and cultural considerations
  • Global citizenship, global consciousness, and literacy learning and teaching
  • International literacy research initiatives involving non-profit and NGO entities
  • International comparative research on literacy instruction and learning in global settings
  • International perspectives on the history of literacy learning and instruction
  • Literacy assessment, instruction, and learning in global settings
  • Literacy policies and practices in global settings
  • Pre-service and in-service teacher education in global settings
  • Research in international multilingual educational contexts involving promotion of multilingual literacies and language awareness.
  • Research on international researchers, scholars, and students
  • Sociopolitical nature of literacy and language learning in international contexts
  • The use of technology and literacy media in global settings

Area 12 Co-chairs:

Gui Ying (Annie) Yang-Heim, Illinois State University,

Laila Al Salmi, Sultan Qaboos University,

Julia Gillen, Lancaster University,

Daily research and study group conversations, held during the lunch hour, focus on topics proposed by the members.


Area 13 Co-chairs:

Emily Machado, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Marliese Peltier, Bell State University,

Amy Spiker, University of Virginia,

Tori Flint, University of Louisiana,

Research on topics and areas not included in any of the categories above or for submissions where Area Chairs are included as participants.

Area 14 Co-chairs:

Hiawatha Smith, University of Wisconsin-River Falls,

Melanie Reaves, Montana State University Billings, 

Elizabeth Stewart, Eastern New Mexico University,