Literacy Research: Theory, Method and Practice (LR: TMP)
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice is a double-anonymized, peer-reviewed annual journal that reports contemporary research and theory in literacy and literacy education. Articles are to reflect the content of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Meeting and inform scholarship in the field. Presenters at the Annual Meeting of the LRA Conference are invited to submit articles based on their presentations for possible inclusion in LR:TMP. Selected manuscripts are typically published online by November in the annual volume.
Submit to LR:TMP
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and resubmissions, and track your article’s progress.
To access other Journals from SAGE, users may login into the Member’s Login area of the LRA website here. By doing this, the system will recognize you as a member of LRA and you should be able to view the Journals provided to you with your membership. LR:TMP is only published in online formatting.
As part of our publishing partnership with SAGE, a substantial portion of articles from back issues of the JLR can be openly accessed online by the general public. To access those articles/volumes, please click the link provided below. JLR publications come in both print and online versions.