Oscar S. Causey Award

History of the Award


LRA awards the Oscar S. Causey Award each fall for outstanding contributions to reading research. Dr. Oscar S. Causey was the founder of the National Reading Conference and served many years as Chair of the Executive Committee. The Award is awarded annually to recognize outstanding contributions to literacy research and was first presented in 1967.


About Oscar Causey

Procedures for Nomination

The Chair of the Committee invites nominations via an announcement in the Newsletter and at least twice each year via email. In addition, the Chair should send a separate request each year to past Oscar S. Causey Award winners and past presidents for nominations. Nominations should include a copy of the nominee’s current, full curriculum vita and a nominating letter authored by an individual who is a member of LRA. Nominations are sent electronically via e-mail to the Chair. Nominations are considered active for a period of three years, unless a nominee has received the award during this time. After three years, previous nominees may be re-nominated if an updated CV and nominating letter are submitted. New and updated nominations should be submitted electronically via e-mail to the Chair before August 15th.

Review Process

The chair sends electronic copies of each nominee’s curriculum vita and nomination letter to members of the committee. Committee members including the Chair rank each nominee in order 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices, etc. for total number of nominees (e.g., 13 nominees would have rankings from 1 to 13). The committee may choose to hold a scheduled meeting to discuss nominees and rankings. The chair averages these rankings, and the recipient is selected based on the person receiving the lowest average ranking. This process is completed by September 15 of each year. Tradition has it that only the chair, the recipient, the President, and headquarters know the name of the recipient. This is done in order to make the award an important announcement at the Annual Conference. The LRA President and LRA HQ should be notified of the decision by October 1. The recipient should be notified as soon as possible (no later than October 1) so that they might attend the conference to receive the award. The recipient of the Oscar S. Causey Award will receive a plaque and a monetary award in the amount of $500.00.

Award Committee

Patricia Edwards


Chair, (2022 – 2025)

Eurydice Bauer


Committee Member, (2022 – 2025)

Lisa Domke


Committee Member (2022 – 2025)

Yong Zeng


Committee Member (2023 – 2026)

Sharon Pratt


Committee Member (2023 – 2026)

Mark Lewis


Committee Member, (2024 – 2027)

Karole-Ann Friddle


Committee Member (2024 – 2027)

Award Winners

David Bloome (2023)

Elizabeth Moje (2022)

Arlette Willis (2021)
Patricia Edwards (2020)

William H. Teale (2019)

James V. Hoffman (2018)

Peter Johnston (2017)

Kris D. Gutiérrez (2016)

Elfrieda H. Hiebert (2015)

Susan B. Neuman (2014)

Yetta Goodman (2013)

Jerry Harste (2012)

Linda B. Gambrell (2011)

Lesley M. Morrow (2010)

Barbara M. Taylor (2009)

Taffy E. Raphael (2008)

Scott G. Paris (2007)

Michael L. Kamil (2006)

Annemarie Palincsar (2005)

Steven Stahl (2004)

Victoria Purcell-Gates (2004)

Robert Calfee (2003)

Connie Juel (2002)

Patricia Ann Alexander (2001)

Michael Pressley (2000)

Rebecca Barr (1999)

Kathryn H. Au (1998)

Donna E. Alvermann (1997)

Keith E. Stanovich (1996)

Robert Ruddell (1995)

Shirley Brice Heath (1994)

Kenneth S. Goodman (1993)

John T. Guthrie (1992)

Linnea C. Ehri (1991)

Ronald P Carver (1990)

P. David Pearson (1989)

Isabel Beck (1988)

Monte Penney (Citation of Merit — 1987)

Richard C. Anderson (1987)

Philip Gough (1986)

S. Jay Samuels (1985)

Harry Singer (1984)

Joanna P. Williams (1983)

J. Jaap Tuinman (1982)

George R. Klare (1981)

Edward B. Fry (1980)

Earl E Rankin (1979)

Paul C. Berg (1978)

Al Lowe (1975)

Homer L. J. Carter (1971)

George B. Schick (1970)

George D. Spache (1969)

Albert J. Kingston (1968)

Arthur S. McDonald (1967)