Research reports

The purpose of the Literacy Research Report is to identify and define critical issues of interest to LRA and to synthesize the research in that area looking at the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the issue as well as directions for the future. Click the images below to read more about the most recent Literacy Research Reports, as well as national press releases announcing their distribution.

LRA statements

LRA statement on Antisemitism and Islamophobia

LRA statement against anti-black violence

LRA is a community of scholars, dedicated to promoting research that enriches the knowledge, understanding, and development of lifespan literacies in a multicultural and multilingual world. LRA is dedicated to disseminating such research broadly so as to promote generative theories, informed practices and sound policies.

See LRA Mission Statement

We are deeply saddened by the continued tragedies incurred disproportionately by our Black, Indigenous and Latinx communities. We cannot sit by in silence. We call for renewed dedication of our scholarly talents to call out racism and injustices and support equitable, inclusive, anti-racist educational practices and spaces.

LRA statements against gun violence
