LR:TMP Call for Editors

Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice


Letter of Intent Due: July 1, 2022
Application Due: August 15, 2022


The Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice (LR:TMP), a publication of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), is seeking applications for a new editorial team to begin their official term of service in the fall 2023 starting with Volume 73.

LR:TMP is a largely peer-reviewed annual journal that publishes contemporary research and aims to promote discussion and constructive critique about key areas of literacy research, policy, and practice. Manuscripts published in the journal highlight research presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association and inform literacy theory, methods, and practices in the field.

  1. Editors serve a four-year term with no more than two terms served consecutively. Current editorial teams (or portions of teams) who are interested in a second four-year term must reapply through the regular process.
  2. Editors submit mid-year and annual reports to the Publications Committee, LRA Board, and Executive Committee in April and November from each year.
  3. Limited funds are available to support the work of the editorial team. Funding is contingent upon LRA Board approval following a review of annual reports.
  4. The new editorial team works with the outgoing LR:TMP editorial team and the LRA Publications Committee to facilitate a smooth transition period.

Application Procedures
Interested editorial teams should submit a letter of intent by July 1, 2022 to LRA Publications Chair, Kristen Perry, Complete applications are due to the LRA Publications Chair, Kristen Perry, no later than August 15, 2022. Editorial teams are required to e-mail the following documents (Maximum 10 single-spaced pages for items 2-7) as a single PDF or MS-Word file (Label file as Lastname, Firstname, LR:TMP Editor Application). Teams are encouraged to develop an editorial team diverse in a number of respects (e.g., theoretically, methodologically, professorial rank, racial background), while bearing in mind the logistical challenges of including a large number of people and institutions.

  1. Letter of Intent: Include a brief letter of intent to serve as LR:TMP editors. Include full name, title affiliation, and contact information for each member of the editorial team.
  2. Vision and Goals for LR:TMP: Include a description of the editorial team’s vision and goals for the journal, including an assessment of the journal’s strengths and areas for improvement. Please consider including strategies for potentially engaging LRA membership in conversations including and beyond publication of the LR:TMP volume (e.g., a once-a-semester podcast or webinar with LR:TMP authors).
  3. Prior Editorial Experience: Include a description of prior editing experience for each member of the editorial team.
  4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Include a description of the editorial team’s approach to teamwork and collaboration relative to editorial work.
  5. Institutional Support: Include a description of whether and how the institution for each member of the editorial team will support the work of the editorship (e.g., course release, financial support, reduction of committee work, graduate assistantship, office space, technology support, support for travel to the conference).
  6. Review Processes and Procedures: Include a description of the editorial team’s proposed manuscript review processes and procedures, including their strategies for developing a substantial and diverse pool of reviewers.
  7. Proposed Budget: Attach a detailed budget of up to ________ with a justification for anticipated costs associated with editing the journal to be covered by LRA.
  8. Curriculum Vitae: Attach for each member of the editorial team.
  9. Letters of Support: Attach letters of support from each lead editorial team member’s institution indicating the level of support offered should the team be chosen (a single letter is sufficient if all applicants are from the same institution). Letters are recommended but not required for supporting/assistant editors.

Applicants will be notified of the decision regarding the new editorial team no later than the conclusion of the December, 2022 meeting of the LRA Board.


For questions regarding the Call for LR:TMP Editors, contact Kristen Perry, Chair of the Publications Committee