Nicollette Schmeichel

Nicollette Schmeichel

Call for Nominations – Albert J. Kingston

Happy June! I know so many of you are emerging from large service loads this year. And you continue to provide service to LRA as well! Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for the Kingston Award. The award recognizes distinguished service to LRA. The process is easy. Members of LRA for at least 5 years are eligible. All we need is a letter describing service to LRA and a CV. You can nominate yourself or a colleague.  Service is important and worthy of recognition and celebration. You can see a description of the award and a list of the past recipients Here: Nominations are due to the Committee Chair, Sharon Walpole ( by August 15, 2023. The award will be presented at the Conference in Atlanta.  Thanks for considering! Sharon

Position Statement Against Anti-Asian Rhetoric and Speech

The Diversity, Equity, and Justice (DEJ) and the Ethnicity, Race, and Multilingualism(ERM) Standing Committees of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) are committed to racial justice, equity, and action. The purpose of this statement is to reaffirm the organization’s position against all forms of systemic racism. We raise awareness of racial injustices within our respective field and provide action steps on how the LRA community can take actions for change. In the past three years, there has been a resurgence of racist acts against underrepresented groups. Specifically, there has been a backlash and targeting of Asians and Asian Americans within the United States. These violent sentiments once led to explicitly racist government policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and the internment of Japanese Americans. These unequal treatments include but are not limited to the brutal attacks against countless Asian and Asian American individuals, the xenophobic violence against Asian people in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the dehumanizing acts of Anti-Asian rhetoric within the sector of academia and beyond. The committee stands in solidarity with our Asian colleagues, faculty, staff, and students who were impacted by the commentary of the Chancellor Thomas L. Keon of Purdue University Northwest. The Literacy Research Association Board of Directors recognizes the comments made by Chancellor Keon at graduation were harmful and there is no sufficient explanation or response regarding this incident. It is of grave importance to understand why a Chancellor creating a made-up Asian language at a graduation ceremony is not only in poor taste but a sign of a hostile and discriminatory environment at the university. Graduations at Predominantly White Institutions (PWI’s) have been in the headlines for many decades within the United States where students of color have been thrown off stages and protests have occurred. This racist rhetoric has often been excused as merely ‘bad moments.’ As we consider the incident which occurred at Purdue University Northwest, we must understand why change is needed at all levels. No longer should we merely require students to sit through equity courses. Equity must be enacted by the administration, faculty, and staff. Considering that the Indiana House of Representatives passed HB 1134 to limit classroom discussions pertaining to race during 2022 (that was later defeated by the Senate) and that components of it could be revisited by a future legislative conference committee, Chancellor Keon’s mocking of Asian language(s) conveys that equity training is not only a necessity, it is urgently needed. This is but one in a litany of harmful incidents that incite violence, hatred, and disdain towards individuals of Asian descent. Our literacy organization and literacy learning communities at universities should focus on studying the literacy experiences, language learning, and multilingualism of Asian and Pacific Islander countries and communities. First, developing these partnerships and experiences are key to diminishing historical and pervasive stereotypes within literacy, literature, and academic research. Second, literacy organizations at the national and state level must examine whether preservice and in-service teachers are acquiring updated research and inclusive literacy practices regarding Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander students. Third, our national and state educational research and practice organizations should prominently feature research and speakers who can address the impact of racism because institutional norms, explicit acts, and implicit bias often fuel anti-Asian violence within education and other settings. Finally, teacher educators should include historical and contemporary readings in their current courses and curricula to specifically include the voices of Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander scholars. Organizational actions to combat systemic racism can include creating an environment for educational research and learning. This will promote further academic study regarding the varied experiences of diverse populations in literacy and learning, as well as the identification of actionable steps needed for racial equity and justice. We must take such actions now in order to improve outcomes for those who are historically marginalized and targeted.            2020-2021 National Report – Stop AAPI Hate Japanese Internment Camps: WWII, Life & Conditions – HISTORY “I Have a Wish”: Anti-Asian Racism and Facing Challenges Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Asian International Graduate Students – Fanghong Dong, Yeji Hwang, Nancy A. Hodgson, 2023 ( The long history of racism against Asian Americans in the U.S. | PBS NewsHour Violence Against International Students: A Critical Gap in the Literature (

2022 Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Committee Travel Award Winner – Phylicia Anderson

The Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Committee (ERM) is committed to supporting and promoting the work of scholars from diverse backgrounds. This year, the ERM awarded four doctoral student or early career scholars of color the ERM Travel Award.   Read more about one of our award winners below.  Phylicia Anderson Phyliciá Anderson is a doctoral candidate, adjunct professor, and in the first cohort of the AACTE Holmes Scholars program at Texas Woman’s University to support women of color in pursuing higher education.  Her latest publications include a chapter in the book “Engage and Empower: Expanding the Curriculum for Justice and Activism” titled “Cultural (mis)representations in the media: Challenging hegemonic ideas,” a journal article published in the Journal of Language and Literacy Education titled “Language, literacy, and love: A critical framework for teaching adolescent emergent bilinguals,” and a chapter in the book “Leveraging Languages, Literacies, and Cultures: Innovative Approaches for Teaching Multilingual Students” titled “BookSnaps: Reading and analyzing young adult novels across languages.” which is scheduled to be released December 2022. She has also presented at national and international conferences including the bi-annual European Conference on Literacy in Dublin, Ireland, the Puerto Rico Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages annual conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the World Education Research Association annual conference in Galicia, Spain, and the American Educational Research Association annual conference in San Diego, California. Phyliciá’s research explores the ways in which multilingual adolescents use and understand language. She positions criticality in education to counter the hegemonic ideas often perpetuated through traditional, monolingual forms of education. Her recent project investigated the instructional implications of bi/multilingual adolescence reading and writing using another language in a classroom setting which included Spanish, Italian, French, and Black language to name a few. Through this and other research projects she contributes to the dialogue around ethnicity, race, and multilingualism by offering various perspectives of what it means to be bi/multilingual and how these abilities can be leveraged in pedagogical practices.

Call for Nominations: Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy

Please take a moment to submit a nomination for an article for the Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy.  The deadline is Tuesday, September 5, 2023. The Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy is presented annually to honor an outstanding article in literacy research published in a refereed journal in the previous calendar year. The award is presented in memory of University at Albany – SUNY Distinguished Professor Arthur N. Applebee, internationally renowned for his seminal scholarship in the fields of literacy and language learning,  Eligibility: In order to be considered for the Arthur Applebee Award, an article must meet the following eligibility requirements: (1) A research article published in a refereed journal between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 (for the 2023 recipient). For articles appearing in print only or in both print and on-line versions, the date of print version should be used to determine the date of publication. For articles appearing only on-line, the date of release should be used to determine the year of publication.  If you are at all uncertain, please consult the journal editors to determine what they regard as the official year of publication. (2) Refereed journals are construed to include journals published around the world, with the proviso that the content is available in English. Criteria for Consideration for the Award: The topic of literacy research is construed broadly to include research that informs literacy theory, practice, and/or policy. Nominated articles should make significant contributions to the field, yielding the kind of “ah ha” moment that causes the field to see ideas in new ways with promise to positively influence literacy education. Contributions to the field may include articles that either substantively develop or add to an existing area of research, combine existing areas of research, or create a new or less considered area of investigation. As an award of the Literacy Research Association, the award focuses on the broadest possible conceptualization of literacy, including all the epistemological, methodological, disciplinary, and topical perspectives found in LRA. Award Details: Recipients of the award receive a small cash award and a plaque commemorating the award. The authors are also recognized during a general session of the conference.  For more information, see Nomination Process: To nominate an article, please send an electronic copy of the article and a nomination letter that states how the article meets the criteria to Kathleen Hinchman ( by Tuesday, September 5, 2023.  Self-nominations are accepted.

Statement on Recent Shootings

Dear LRA Family and Friends, In the original statement regarding the recent gun violence in our universities and communities, we realized that language was used that was interpreted as offensive or not sensitive to all our membership. While we intended to be inclusive, we recognize that the phrasing used did not achieve this end. We apologize for this error. Please read the amended statement below.   Once again, we are jolted and immensely saddened by the recent series of tragic deaths on our university campuses and communities in North Carolina, Virginia, Idaho, and Colorado, and we earnestly wish for whatever comforts from whatever source that can be offered to the grieving families for the loss of their loved ones.   Most unfortunately, these are only a few of the 602 deaths this year due to mass shootings already recorded by the Gun Violence Archive in which every category where data is compiled has increased dramatically since 2014 This rampant escalation of violence in our country which has occurred not only in schools, but in all the places where we live, work and play raises perplexing questions about our safety as well as to the reasons for this rising tsunami of death and loss where some deeply troubled individuals intentionally take the lives of members of diverse races, ethnicities, the LGBTQIA+ communities, genders, and religious affiliations. Given LRA’s mission to study language and literacy in its many manifestations, we also strongly condemn abusive and vituperative language which dehumanizes other human beings and makes them the target for these hateful violent acts.   As a body of caring professionals, engaged daily with children and their families, teachers, school officials at every level, and other literacy stakeholders, we struggle to think of viable, practical solutions which may provide some curb to the anxieties and fears many feel just in coming to school every day. But we are not powerless.   LRA has already reached out to AERA to join them in their call for “the establishment of a federal blue-ribbon commission or high-level task force that would bring together experts from relevant scientific and professional fields, including education research, mental health, criminal justice, and others, to develop short- and long-term actionable steps.” AERA President Rich Milner has assured me that as they move forward LRA will be a partner in this effort.   Further, members of your LRA Board of Directors have also put forth recommendations that LRA can take to further study this pressing issue. For example, commissioning a report on gun violence, similar to our reports on dyslexia and racial violence, which can be disseminated as a public document as well as to schools and educational organizations “seeking to use literacies and languaging to prevent gun violence, identifying the potential for gun violence, and for helping those affected by gun violence to heal.”   There is one more thing that each of us can do as well if you will indulge me in a literary reference. Tolkien, speaking through the wizard Gandalf, writes “Saruman [another wizard] believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… simple acts of kindness and love.”   “Simple acts of kindness and love by ordinary folk”—just like us—directed toward everyone we are around. Who knows what collective power this may generate in the universe.   I am happy to serve as a contact for those of you interested in exploring how LRA might contribute to productive conversations and solutions in addressing this issue. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can move forward.   With appreciation for all of you, And on behalf of the Literacy Research Association Board of Directors

David Yaden to Give President’s Address @ #LRA2022

The Literacy Research Association is honored to announce that President David B. Yaden will be delivering his Presidential Address at this years LRA 72nd Annual Conference. Dr. Yaden’s address, titled “Chasing Shadows : Why There Cannot be a ‘Simple’ Science of Literacy” will contest the narrow perceptions of what has been called the science of reading movement, and will focus upon another contender for the science throne—that of Developmental Science. Using examples from emergent bilingual children’s early writing, he will attempt to show that any “simple” model of reading not only wastes useful data about children’s literacy performances but conflates the data with static states of being which reduce the conceptual complexity of literacy development. Developmental Science is a branch of psychology with deep roots in the child study movement and was established around the turn of the 20th century. It is field devoted to studying development “in motion.” L. S. Vygotsky was a key figure in this movement early on, although under the name of pedology, and contributed substantially to the foundation principles in the field. Developmental Science’s definitive scholarly voice has been carried on and consistently represented by subsequent volumes of the Handbook of Child Psychology (1946, 1954, 1970, 1983, 1998, 2006) with its most recent edition entitled the Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (2015). Although Vygotsky himself passed long before the first volume was published in 1946, his perspectives on child development, learning, and literacy are well represented, nonetheless. Dr. Yaden’s contention is that models based upon the science of reading demand a slavish focus on the alphabet and figural convention. However, current research in Developmental Science urges to do the opposite, as did Vygotsky, Piaget, and other developmental theorists such as Urie Bronfenbrenner, Gerald Edelman, and Michael Tomasello. Developmental Science challenges the literacy field to embrace the complexity of the developmental processes, and as Vygotsky further argued, “bring the child to an internal understanding of writing” in whatever language that may be. David B. Yaden, Jr. (Ph.D., University of Oklahoma) is President of the Literacy Research Association and Professor of Language, Reading and Culture in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies in the College of Education at the University of Arizona. He also holds affiliate faculty positions in the Department of Public and Applied Humanities, College of Humanities, and the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. In addition, he serves as Co-Director of the Research Group on Child Development, Research and Policy and as Director of the Eye-Movement Miscue Analysis Laboratory in the College of Education. Prior to his present position at the University of Arizona, he held faculty appointments at the University of Oklahoma, Emory University, the University of Houston, the University of Southern California and was a Visiting Professor & Scholar at Boston University. Dr. Yaden served as co-editor (with Patty Anders) of LRA’s flagship journal, the Journal of Literacy Research (2013-2016), and is currently the co-editor (with Theresa Rogers) of the forthcoming Literacies and Languages volume of the International Encyclopedia of Education, containing the research contributions of 100 scholars world-wide, both in the Global North and South, addressing multiple topics across the field of literacy studies. Yaden also was a Principal Investigator (1997-2002) in the federally funded Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA) where he created and supervised the implementation of an early literacy curriculum for Spanish-speaking preschoolers in inner-city Los Angeles. Most recently in Arizona, he directed a statewide consortium of researchers from Arizona’s three major universities (University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University) in the evaluation of the state’s early childhood initiative, First Things First, an investment of $27,000,000 in the study of over 9,000 children, ages birth–7 years-of- age, to evaluate health, developmental and educational factors contributing to school readiness. Dr. Yaden’s research interests and specializations include developmental issues in early childhood education, the acquisition of literacy and biliteracy in young children, family literacy, theories of reading disability, micro genetic and developmental research design and the application of complex adaptive systems theory to growth in reading and writing. In addition to numerous journal articles and book chapters on various aspects of literacy in young children, Yaden’s publications include several, archival, state-of-the-field integrative reviews in such volumes as the Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education (2014) on developmental research design in early childhood, the Handbook of Reading Research Volume III (2000) on emergent literacy, the Handbook of Research in the Teaching of the English Language Arts (2003, 2011), on family literacy, and in subsequent volumes of the Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children (2006, 2013) related to linguistically and culturally diverse children acquiring more than one language. He has presented his work regularly over the past four decades at professional meetings such as the International Reading Association, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the Child Welfare League of America, the World Congress of Reading, the American Educational Research Association, the Literacy Research Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, the Jean Piaget Society, and the National Council for Research on Language and Literacy. Yaden joins an esteemed list of plenary speakers and panelists slated to speak at this year’s conference. Read more about each of the sessions below: • Bryan Brayboy • Guadalupe Valdes • Angela Valenzuela • Arlette Willis • Integrative Research Review Panel You can view the latest COVID recommendations here. To register for the LRA conference, please visit the LRA website

#LRA2022 – Know Before You Go

The 2022 Annual Meeting is fast approaching! Below are some useful tips to help you prepare so you can have the best conference experience possible. The address of the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa is 8000 S. Arizona Grand Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85055. Conveniently located less than 10 minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport, Arizona Grand is easily accessible via I-10 and US-60, offering quick connections to numerous other major freeways. The Arizona Grand Resort & Spa does not provide a shuttle to and from the airport. An Uber/Lyft fare is estimated to be $20-$30 depending on the time of day. Alternatively, you can contact the resort’s Valet Services to assist with transportation arrangements at 602.438.9000. Other nearby accommodations to the conference site include (all within one mile): Ramada by Wyndham Tempe/At Arizona Mills Mall, TownePlace Suites by Marriott Tempe at Arizona Mills Mall, SpringHill Suites Tempe at Arizona Mills Mall, Sonesta ES Suites Tempe Note: These hotels do not provide shuttle transport. Projected Weather: Sunday, November 27 – High: 69 Low: 46 Monday, November 28 – High: 69 Low: 45 Tuesday, November 29 – High: 67 Low: 45 Wednesday, November 30 – High: 68 Low: 44 Thursday, December 1 – High: 75 Low: 51 Friday, December 2 – High: 73 Low: 48 Saturday, December 3 – High: 68 Low: 43 In addition the dining options at the property, there are a number of places nearby. Below is just a sampling of places close to the Arizona Grand. Starbucks – 2415 W Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283 In-N-Out Burger – 2405 W Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283 Arizona Mills Shopping Center – 5000 S Arizona Mills Cir, Tempe, AZ 85282 Fry’s Food and Drug – 2700 W Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283 Chanpen Thai Cuisine – 2700 W Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283 Boba & Donuts – 2700 W Baseline Rd., Tempe, AZ 85283 The association is thrilled to hear from LRA President David Yaden, Oscar S. Causey Award Recipient Arlette Willis, Distinguished Scholar Award Recipient Guadalupe Valdés, the esteemed Bryan Brayboy, the acclaimed Angela Valenzuela, and an Integrative Research Review Panel which includes panelists Allison Skerrett, Catherine Compton-Lilly, Marcus Croom, and Mary McVee. The online program can be viewed on LRA’s All-Academic site. The pdf program will be released in the coming days. Registrants will be notified as soon as it is published. Voted one of the “Top 10 Fitness Facilities in Arizona” the 20,000 square foot Arizona Grand Athletic Club is open from 5am – 8pm Monday thru Friday and from 6am – 8pm Saturday and Sunday. Please do not tape, tack or pin paper, signs, or any other materials to walls or structures belonging to the hotel. Doing so damages paint and wall paper by leaving holes, adhesive or peeling. You can view the latest COVID recommendations here. To register for the LRA conference, please visit the LRA website.

Arlette Willis to Speak at #LRA2022

The Literacy Research Association welcomes Arlette Ingram Willis, the Oscar S. Causey award plenary speaker, who received the award in 2021. The Award, named for Dr. Oscar Causey, founder of LRA, ,was first presented in 1967. The award is bestowed annually to recognize an LRA member who has made outstanding contributions to literacy research. The title of Willis’ Oscar S. Causey address is “ Revolutionizing Literacy: The Life of Omar ibn Said, Written by Himself. In her presentation, Willis analytically examines the role of literacy in Omar ibn Said’s life as informed by African cultures, ethnicities, histories, languages, and literacies in the Senegambia region, and the history of Black literacy access in the US. In his autobiography, Omar ibn Said stealthily applies sophisticated literacy skills to contest living under anti-Black racism and chattel enslavement through his rhetorical and strategic use of Quranic surahs and verses. Early translations and interpretations of his autobiography, written by English-dominant White men, literate in ancient Arabic, filtered through Eurocentrism and White supremacy, failed to discern Omar ibn Said’s proclamation of his humanity and bold condemnation of chattel enslavement. Scholars with expertise in African history and Islam, valorize his resilience as an African Muslim who remained faithful to Islam under anti-Black racism, the horrors of chattel enslavement, and attempts at Christian conversion. The autobiography dismantles prevailing assumptions about people of African descent as sub-human, without culture, history, intellect, language, or literacy. It also revolutionizes what we know about the history of literacy in the US; provides authenticated knowledge of literacy among people of African descent; exposes the pervasiveness of White supremacy; and unveils the roots of deliberate anti-Black literacy laws, policies, and practices, historically and contemporaneously. To create an equitable approach to literacy, we must begin with authenticated knowledge to transcend the past and present. Arlette Ingram Willis received her Ph. D. from The Ohio State University. She is a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the division of Language and Literacy. Her scholarship interrogates how race and racism are framed in reading research, examines secondary pre-service English teacher education, and applies critical theories to literacy policy and research. Willis has on-going research collaborations with colleagues in Brazil, Columbia, and New Zealand who examine the influence of Paulo Freire’s theorizing and instruction. Her books include Teaching and Using Multicultural Literature in Grades 9-12: Moving Beyond the Canon (1998), Reading Comprehension Research and Testing in the US: Undercurrents of Race, Class, and Power in the Struggle for Meaning (2008); and forthcoming Anti-Black Racism and anti-Black Literacy in the US. In addition, she has co-edited four books: Multiple and Intersecting Identities in Qualitative Research (with B. Merchant, 2001); Multicultural Issues in Literacy Research and Practice (with G. Garcia, R. Barrera, & V. Harris, 2003); On Critically Conscious Research: Approaches to Language and Literacy Research (with M. Montovan, H. Hall, C. Hunter, L. Burke, & A. Herrera, A., 2008); and Affirming Black Students’ Lives and Literacies: Bearing Witness (with G. Thompson-McMillan & P. Smith). Willis has published numerous refereed articles, book chapters, book reviews, and monographs. She also has served as co-editor (with D. Bloome) for the National Council of Teachers of English Literacy Book Series, and co-editor (with V. J. Harris) for the American Education Research Journal, Teaching, Learning, and Human Development. Willis has received several national meritorious awards, including the John J. Gumperz Memorial Award for Distinguished Lifetime Scholarship, Reading Hall of Fame, and the Oscar S. Causey Award. She is a Fulbright Scholar (2013-2014), past president of the Literacy Research Association (2014), and past president of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy, (2007-2008). In addition, at the University of Illinois she has received several awards for her scholarship: University Scholar Award, 2000; Campus Award for Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research, 2001; and University Distinguished Teacher/Scholar, 2002-2003; as well as several College of Education awards including the Distinguished Scholar Award, 1999; Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1998, 2000; and Distinguished Teaching Career Award, 2010. Willis joins an esteemed list of plenary speakers and panelists slated to speak at this year’s conference. Read more about each of the sessions below: · Bryan Brayboy · Guadalupe Valdes · Angela Valenzuela · Integrative Research Panel Review You can view the latest COVID recommendations here. To register for the LRA conference, please visit the LRA website.

Integrative Research Review Spotlight on Allison Skerrett

The Literacy Research Association welcomes Dr. Allison Skerrett as one of its speakers for the 72nd Annual Conference as part of LRA’s Integrative Research Review Panel. LRA’s IRR Panel Session, titled ‘Review and Scholarly Syntheses as Anti-Racist Action’ will focus specifically on the silencing of and importance of BIPOC authors and scholars, along with the history of their work and global impact. Skerrett’s presentation is titled: Banned Books and Banners for Change: Literacy Education for Troubled Times. Dr. Skerrett studies and examines recent research on how younger people of color employ literacies to connect and engage with their worlds. Drawing upon literacy research and mainstream social and political commentary, Skerrett explores how young people have fared in relation to a global health crisis, the heightened visibility of violence against black and other marginalized people, and social and political unrest and activism, including the political censorship of texts. Skerrett posits that how young people have activated and deployed literacies provides an alternative to discourses about “learning loss” and a “COVID-19 Generation.” While these discourses may intend to address the vulnerabilities of young people, she names the possible layering of additional deficit perspectives upon young people that further obscures their resilience and innovation. Allison Skerrett is a professor of language and literacy studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin. She also serves as the Director of Teacher Education for the College of Education. Dr. Skerrett’s research primarily centers on youth literacy practices and secondary English education in urban and transnational contexts. She has been a member of the Literacy Research Association since 2007 and has served in several roles, including as a former member of the LRA Board of Directors, and is currently one of the editors of the Journal of Literacy Research. Included among her scholarly works are the following books: Teaching Transnational Youth—Literacy and Education in a Changing World (2015) and Teaching Literacy in Troubled Times: Identity, Inquiry, and Social Action at the Heart of Instruction (2022) co-authored with Peter Smagorinsky. View the latest COVID-19 recommendations here. To register for LRA’s 2022 Annual Conference, please visit the LRA website.

Integrative Research Review Spotlight on Mary McVee

The Literacy Research Association welcomes Mary B. McVee as one of its speakers for the 72nd Annual Conference as part of LRA’s Integrative Research Review Panel. LRA’s IRR Panel Session, titled ‘Review and Scholarly Syntheses as Anti-Racist Action’ will focus specifically on the silencing of and importance of BIPOC authors and scholars, along with the history of their work and global impact. McVee’s meta synthesis, titled: Racial Positioning and Emotion in Stories of Literacy Teachers: Transgressing Boundaries and Borders, co-authored with Aijuan Cun, University of New Mexico and Kristian Douglas, Clark Atlanta University, will draw inspiration from Bonilla-Silva’s idea of “racialized emotions”, focusing on the relationships between racial positioning and emotion. The review focuses on studies of teachers and teacher educators in educational and professional learning contexts that foreground race, literacy, and racialized positions through narratives, narrative research, or counter-narratives. This review will elaborate and address questions such as: “What racialized emotions are identified by researchers? What emotions are represented by researchers? What is the relationship between positions and racialized emotions?” Mary McVee is Professor of Literacy Education and the Director of the Center for Literacy and Reading Instruction at the University of Buffalo, SUNY. McVee received her doctoral degree in 1999 from Michigan State University and undergraduate degree in 1988 from the University of Montana. McVee uses her expertise in literacy, culture, and narrative as a tool for conducting research in the field of education. Her research traverses positioning theory; narrative, social and embodied learning; digital literacies and multimodality; multimodal communication and disciplinary literacies in children’s engineering; and diversities of language, literacy, and culture. She is currently lead editor on the Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory (McVee, Van Langenhove, Brock and Christensen), which is the first interdisciplinary handbook on positioning theory. Her most recent book, co-authored with Lisa Roof, is The experiences of refugee youth from Burma in an American high school: Countering deficit-based narratives through student voice (Routledge). View the latest COVID-19 recommendations here. To register for LRA’s 2022 Annual Conference, please visit the LRA website.

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