Please nominate LRA members who are willing to serve a 3-year term as an LRA Board Member or make a 5-year commitment to matriculate through the presidential line (VP-elect, VP, Pres-elect, President, Past President).
Please nominate members in good standing who “represent the priorities included in the LRA Mission statement, particularly with respect to leadership, scholarship, diversity, and membership.” Self-nominations are welcome.
To nominate someone:
- make sure they are willing to serve;
- send their name and CV (please be sure CVs include service to LRA).
By Monday, June 6th send your nominations with corresponding VITA to Alfred T. Tatum (atatum@literacyresearchassociation.org).
Please indicate “Nomination for Election 2023” in the subject line. Indicate also whether they are being nominated to serve as a board member only (3-year commitment) or to serve in the presidential line (5-year commitment).