2022 Annual Meeting COVID-19 Recommendations

LRA takes the health and safety of its personnel and all guests at events very seriously. We remain mindful that COVID-19 variants and considerations for the health of attendees must be a priority.


To ensure everyone’s health and safety, all attendees are strongly encouraged to take a COVID-19 test prior to attending the conference. 


Please do not attend the event if within ten (10) days preceding the event, you have tested positive or been diagnosed with COVID or other communicable disease; or experienced any new or unexplained symptoms commonly associated with COVID or other communicable disease. 


Although proof of vaccination is not required for attendance this year, in accordance with CDC recommendations, we  encourage attendees to get vaccinated and boosted if eligible and able to do so.


The CDC has recently revised its guidelines for mask wearing based on COVID-19 Community Levels. The current Community Level for Phoenix, Arizona is “Low,” so conference attendees may choose to wear a mask based on personal preference, informed by personal level of risk. 


Similar to last year’s conference, color coded stickers will be available for attendees to place on their badges to indicate their social interaction level.


For example:

  • Green = hugs and handshakes
  • Yellow = elbow and fist bumps
  • Red = air high fives


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